As part of their Imaginative Learning Project, ‘Off with Her Head’, our Year 5 pupils were immersed in all things ‘Tudor’ for the day.
There were a variety of Tudor themed lessons throughout the day, from creating their own Tudor Roses, learning about the Black Death in Science and performing a Tudor Dance to work up a medieval appetite!
Lunchtime came around and the pupils re-enacted a medieval feast in celebration of Anne Boleyn's birthday, several spotting inaccuracies on the table for that time-period. Our poor Tudors served King Henry and the noblemen in court before eating with the rats!
Year 5 teacher, Mrs Harper said,
“The children then had the opportunity to sniff their way around a spice challenge before plotting their origin on a world map of exploration.”
The pupils commented on how much fun the day was, and how they enjoyed learning about the different foods and spices they brought to England. They also found the dancing particularly amusing!