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February 2022

  • England Hockey Schools Championship

    Published 25/02/22

    This week our Hockey team competed in the England Hockey Schools Championships, playing Altrincham school in a very close game.

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  • Miss Parnell: Welcome to our EYFS Team

    Published 25/02/22

    With interest across both Worksop College and Ranby House growing rapidly, we are thrilled to have Sophie Parnell join our fantastic EYFS team in the Nursery! At the end of her first week at Ranby House, we caught up with Miss Parnell to find out how she was feeling about her new start.

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  • ASA Championship Finals

    Published 23/02/22

    Worksop and Ranby swimmers took to the Nottinghamshire ASA County Championship Finals 2022, which wrapped up on Sunday evening. The swimming team made the school immensely proud, not just with their outstanding results, but their sheer effort and determination. Their hard work has clearly paid off. 

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  • ISA Regional Cross Country

    Published 21/02/22

    It has been busy at Worksop College on the Cross-Country front over the last 2 weeks with some big events and notable performances. The ISA regional championships at Bedstone, Shropshire saw a number of runners qualify for the National Finals which will be held at Worksop College on March 19th.

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  • Nottinghamshire ASA County Championships

    Published 21/02/22

    Worksop College and Ranby House's swimming results continued to soar as our swimmers took to the Nottinghamshire County Championships. 

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  • Chinese New Year at Ranby House

    Published 08/02/22

    Last Tuesday was Chinese New Year, also known as the Lunar New Year; the festival that celebrates the beginning of a new year on the traditional Chinese calendar. Here at Ranby House we had a wonderful celebration with Mrs Ma hosting a variety of Chinese activities. 

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  • A Hockey Hit!

    Published 03/02/22

    Last Thursday, Worksop College took on Kings Macclesfield at the England Hockey Boys Schools Championship.

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