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Years 3 and 4 

Children enter the Prep School in Year 3 where they are located alongside Year 4 in the classrooms around our Quad. Girls and boys develop skills, knowledge and understanding within their own classroom, whilst also enjoying exciting opportunities through learning in our specialist facilities including Art and Design rooms, Sports hall, Science labs, ICT suites and Performing Arts Theatre.

The curriculum follows Imaginative Learning Projects (ILP), related to the national curriculum with the class teacher able to make explicit links to the ILP through the teaching of English and the Humanities. Each term students will begin their ILP with an engaging experience such as an expedition to the local Peak District, a visit from a Roman Centurion or a two day residential trip to Whitby.

Specialist teaching continues to increase in the Prep School with highly qualified, passionate and skilled specialist teachers delivering Maths, Computing and Science in addition to the  Pre-Prep specialist teaching of Spanish, Swimming, Art, Design Technology, Music, PE and Games.

Opportunities to make links to the ILP are maximized by all subject staff so that the children make direct links between all areas of learning. Work is differentiated within the classroom setting, with each child reaching his/her own potential according to their ability.

Years 3 and 4 signals the beginning of opportunities for our children to play in our competitive fixture programme against local opposition and in national competitions. The change in sports played each term enables the boys to experience rugby, hockey and cricket, whilst the girls play hockey, netball and rounders.

At the end of the school day pupils in Years 3 and 4 have the opportunity to complete homework in a dedicated prep session or participate in any of the activities with make up our extensive enrichment programme. 

Years 5 and 6 

In Year 5 and 6 the rigorous approach to the curriculum continues, as the focus on preparing the children to be ready for Senior School develops. The Imaginative Learning Projects remain the focus for class teacher-led learning and specialist lessons, with an emphasis on increased opportunities for our children to become independent, adaptable and resilient learners.

Each project begins with an engaging experience such as a day in the life of an evacuee, the mummification of a teacher or an overnight polar adventure within our extensive grounds. Through cross-curricular experiences, our children develop a variety of skills that enable them to research independently, work collaboratively with others on large-scale projects before presenting their ideas and innovations.

Alongside English and the Humanities which are taught by class teachers, our specialist staff deliver Maths, Computing, Science, RS, Spanish, Swimming, Art, Design Technology, Music, PE and Games.

At the end of the school day pupils in Years, 5 and 6 have the opportunity to complete homework in a dedicated prep session or participate in any of the activities with make up our extensive enrichment programme.

The curriculum is further enhanced through our residential visit programme with increases in duration and expectation from Year 2 to Year 6. Our Year 5 children enjoy an outdoor and adventure programme including raft building, climbing and high ropes, whilst Year 6 pupil’s independence, adaptability and resilience are tested to the limit through the inspirational ‘Bushcraft’ experience.

In the Summer Term, Year 6 pupils enjoy a number of celebratory and preparatory experiences including a variety of transition activities before they join the Senior School. 

And as you begin to think about your child’s education after Ranby House,  our senior school site – Worksop College is ideally located only a few miles away so moving from Year 6 to Year 7 is a seamless experience. As our children join Portland House, the dedicated junior space for Years 7 and 8, they do so with their Ranby peer group and a firm set of friends.

Being one school across two sites means that children at Ranby benefit from the use of the facilities at our senior school site - including floodlit astroturf pitches, an indoor swimming pool and specialist technology and science labs. Staff regularly teach across the two schools, providing our children with consistency and continuity.