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Year 7 

Health and wellbeing/ Relationships:

  • New beginnings, new school, our school community
  • Friendships
  • Anti-bullying
  • E-safety

Wider World, relationships and religious beliefs:

  • Fairtrade
  • ABC (appropriateness, behaviour, consequences)
  • Knife crime
  • Forgiveness
  • Conflict and resolution
  • The media (inc fake news)

Wider World:

  • Identity
  • Gender equality
  • Discrimination
  • Anti-racism
  • Radicalisation and extremism
  • Refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants meaning.

Religious beliefs:

  • What is faith?
  • What do Christians believe?
  • Key facts about Islam
  • Christianity and Islam views on:
  • Marriage
  • Worship
  • What does it mean to live in a multi-faith society?

Health and wellbeing/Relationships and Wider World:

  • Money
  • Budgeting and spending
  • Wants and needs
  • Resilience
  • Assertiveness
  • Self esteem



  • Relationships:
  • RSE
  • Growing up
  • Changes emotionally and physically (puberty).  Inc awareness of changes in girls physically and emotionally.
  • Personal hygiene
  • Getting along with parents/carers (inc dealing with divorce/break ups)
  • Feelings and emotions
  • Types of relationships between boys/girls, older/younger/ same sex couples.  Sexuality.


Year 8 

Health and wellbeing

  • Healthy lifestyles
  • Healthy living inc energy drinks
  • Hygiene inc vaccinations
  • Smoking/Vaping
  • Drugs education


Religious beliefs

  • Judaism

Relationships RSE:

  • What is a relationship (inc marriage, characteristics of other long term relationships, different types of committed stable relationships)?
  • What is a positive relationship? Features of a positive relationship (inc sexual and non-sexual). Appropriate/inappropriate relationships (inc KS3 peer on peer abuse)
  • What contributes to a negative relationship?
  • Roles and responsibility of parents inc successful parenting
  • How to deal with a breakdown in a relationship.
  • Sexting, sharing of nude/semi-nude images including an understanding of the law

Health and wellbeing/Relationships/Wider world:

  • First Aid
  • Growth/fixed mindset
  • Arranged/forced marriages
  • Anti-racism

Wider World

  • Communities
  • Pressure groups and campaigning
  • Resources, waste and recycling
  • Global organisations

Wider World

  • Age responsibility
  • Law and order
  • Branding and marketing project – developing entrepreneurial skills

Year 9 

Wider World/Relationships:

  • Child sexual exploitation
  • Exploitation
  • Human trafficking
  • Peer pressure
  • Animal rights

Health and wellbeing:

  • Sleep and screen time
  • Bereavement
  • Eating disorders
  • Self-harm
  • Drugs
  • Alcohol

Wider world and health and wellbeing:

  • Careers
  • Fast Tomato
  • Skills and qualities

Wider world:

  • Government and politics
  • Consumerism
  • Business and enterprise:
  • Business structure and organisation
  • Global business
  • Profit/loss
  • Entrepreneurship


Relationships RSE:

  • Role of sex in the media inc pornography.  The impact of viewing harmful content.
  • Use of social media and images.
  • Review of positive relationships. (Follow up from year 8) criminal, violent, coercive control.
  • Types of contraception and how to access.  Safe sex and choices.
  • Pregnancy (inc abortion – legal position, faith and miscarriage) and the pathways available for an unwanted pregnancy
  • Relationship scenarios

Religious Beliefs

  • Sikhism

Year 10 

Health and Wellbeing:

  • Mental Health Mindfulness
  • The cult of celebrity
  • Harassment and stalking (inc peer on peer abuse)
  • LGBTQ+
  • Sexting, catfishing, up skirting and revenge porn

Wider World:

  • Equality
  • Gender equality
  • Anti-racism
  • Prejudice and
  • Stereotypes
  • Extremism
  • Drugs awareness

Religious beliefs:

  • Hinduism

Wider world:

  • Crime and responsibility, inc county lines and knife crime
  • Crime and punishment
  • Justice system inc young/youth offenders.

Relationships RSE:

  • Healthy/unhealthy relationships.
  • Violence and domestic abuse.  What help is there?
  • FGM
  • Take an increased responsibility for monitoring own health/body.  Checks.  Testicular cancer
  • STIs/STDs (inc sexual health clinics)
  • Review of contraception for men and women
  • How do you know when the time is right?

Wider World

  • Careers and post 16 education (inc Sheffield Progress)

Year 11 

Wider world and relationships:

  • Money and finance:
  • Banking & credit
  • Financial situations
  • Mortgages
  • Buying v renting
  • Savings & pensions
  • Tax, NI, pay slips
  • Loans and debt

Wider world and health and wellbeing:

  • Sheffield Progress
  • Careers
  • Study Skills (inc managing stress and anxiety)

Wider World:

  • Global issues
  • Abortion
  • Euthanasia
  • Knife crime

Relationships RSE:

  • Meaning of ‘consent’.  How/ways to seek consent and to respect others’ right to give, not give or withdraw consent to engage in different degrees of sexual activity.
  • How the use of alcohol and drugs can lead to risky behaviour.
  • To recognise the impact of drugs Inc. alcohol in a relationship and sexual behaviour.
  • Expectations concerning relationships and sexual activity

Health and Wellbeing:

  • Relationships
  • Addiction