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Highly qualified teachers, subject specialists and sports coaches work with our children, from Nursery to Year 2, in small classes, to ensure tailored teaching and learning.

Early Years Foundation 

Our youngest pupils enjoy their own safe and secure learning environment, within the exciting and nurturing setting of our Pre-Prep building. Complete with easy access to our active outdoor play facilities and beyond in to the forest - independence and curiosity grows rapidly from an early age.

As a ‘teaching nursery’, a carefully structured academic and play-based learning programme means that the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum is taught – both in the Nursery and Reception classrooms and outdoors – with teaching outside forming an important part of everyday school life.

Each day is different, and learning is exciting, engaging and fun, as we encourage collaboration and teamwork between the pupils. We also develop core English Skills from an early age – using a wide variety of learning techniques – including an embedded phonics programme to teach skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening.

Years 1 & 2 

Children transfer from Reception to Year 1, where there is a more formal approach to the curriculum.

Pupils follow an Imaginative Learning Project, related to the national curriculum. Each term students will begin their ILP with a memorable experience. Trips have included: a trip to the beach, a visit from ‘meet a creature’ and a workshop with ‘Sublime Science.’

Throughout the term, pupils will develop skills, knowledge and understanding of various curriculum areas through our stimulating and exciting topics. Work is differentiated within the classroom setting, with each child reaching his/her own potential according to their ability. The curriculum is extended during Year 1 and  2 to include Spanish, PE & Games, Swimming, Art & DT and Music- all of which are taught by subject specialists. 

In the Summer Term, Year 2 pupils partake in a variety of transition activities, that are provided before your child joins the Prep School. These include an overnight experience in the boarding house. These activities create a seamless transition from the Pre-Prep to the Prep School. 

To help parents manage the transition from each year group we hold a ‘transition meeting' during the Summer Term, to allow parents to meet their child’s new teacher. Pupils in Year 1 and 2 are offered a variety of extra-curricular activities at the end of each school day. Activities include; Golf, Judo, Ballet, Jazz, Tennis, Rugby and Football.