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  • Equivalent to 1 A level
  • 2 years

Offered alongside the three traditional Science A-levels, this course will give you fundamental scientific knowledge and help you apply it in a practical way - a skill highly valued by both universities and employers.

You will develop knowledge and understanding of biology, chemistry and physics concepts, as well as plan and carry out a scientific investigation that you choose yourself. You will practise experimental scientific techniques and explore how these are applied in industry, as well as discover ways in which topical scientific issues are presented in the media.

Investigation of the role of scientists and the vast career pathways open to you are also explored, giving you a real insight into the industries you might want to join in the future.

Key themes

  • Key concepts in science
  • Applied experimental techniques
  • Science in the modern world
  • The human body
  • Investigating science
  • Option: microbiology, medical physics, organic chemistry

This subject is for you:
if you want the opportunity to study Science in the Sixth Form in a more vocational and practical setting whilst still being able to access STEM subjects at university and beyond into your career.

50% exam
50% coursework