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For so many of us, as we go into a new year, we pledge to spend less time in front of the television, and more time in the great outdoors! Here at Ranby House, we are set amongst sixty acres of beautiful North Notts Woodland - the perfect setting for a winter woodland walk. Here are just a few reasons why these walks are so beneficial, for not only us, but our little ones too.

It makes you healthier

Being in nature reduces blood pressure, helps you to stay at a healthy weight, and it has also been said that it can boost our immunity. It also decreases levels of cortisol and adrenaline (our stress hormones). Even just looking at drawing of trees has a positive effect on our health, so imagine the benefits of actually being amongst them!

Don't just take our word for it -  many studies have been done to explore the health benefits of walks in the wods.

It improves ability to learn

It is proven that getting out into nature has an educational benefit to children. Simply getting outside changes the children’s understanding, feeling and attitudes. This is due to the natural space providing additional opportunities for critical thinking, creative inquiry and problem-solving.

By spending time in nature, children will also learn to pay attention to the seasons, how they change, and the wildlife in our forests. It also helps them realise why forests and all its inhabitants are important - which means that (hopefully) our next generation will be eco-conscious adults who protect nature.

It boosts creativity

Being out in nature allows children to use all of their senses, not just sight and sound. This, most importantly, allows them to use their imagination! Children who are out in nature playgrounds are far more creative than those in traditional structure-based playgrounds.

Children who spend more time in nature have more friendships that are based upon inventiveness and resourcefulness rather than physical prowess. When out in nature, children have the ability to face new challenges, have a positive self image and are more confidence - these are all qualities which connect children with one another.

If you have a little one, under the age of 3, then we have the perfect opportunity to get them out and about in the woodlands! If your child would enjoy making mud pies, toasting marshmallows and playing in a 'forest band', then why not come along to our open morning? On Friday 4th March we are holding a FREE fun woodland workshop for the under 3s - anyone welcome!

Tagged  prep  pre-prep