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Tuesday saw the Sixth Form Taster Day at Worksop College, where we welcomed our Year 11 students, along with some new faces, to experience a day in our the Sixth Form. From A-level subject lessons, to time in the Sixth Form Centre, Year 11s were able to experience all things Sixth Form!

As the school day drew to a close, we invited all new students to join us for a presentation, given by Mr Axelby, Head of Sixth Form, Uroš, Captain of School, and Year 12 Frankie, who joined Worksop College in September. 

Read on to find out what Frankie had to say about her time at Worksop College.

Since joining Worksop College, I have found myself learning things I never thought I would.

Frankie, year 13

‘Hi, my name is Frankie and I’m in Year 12 after joining Worksop College in September. My experiences at my old school are very much different to those here. There, they had class sizes of around thirty, in comparison to my largest class size here being just ten. Another thing I like about Worksop is the tutor system; each student is allocated a student based on interests and what they want to do when they leave school.

I also find there are many more opportunities and facilities, which allow me to play hockey, both in and outside of school. During the day we have free periods for studying or co-curricular activities. For example, as a sports scholar, on a Thursday I get to go to the gym in one of these frees, where I work on strength and conditioning to benefit my hockey.

Since joining Worksop College, I have found myself learning things I never thought I would, from learning how to fire a gun in CCF, to having lessons on how to handle med school interviews in mediprep. I am also continuing my DofE award here and completing my gold award this year with Mr Payne.

However, one of the biggest changes from my old school to Worksop College is the Houses. You gain a lot of freedom, a sense of belonging, and enjoyment. House competitions are always fun, with competitions in basketball to chess! However, my favourite event is House song, which involves each House creating a dance, and performing it in front of the school, before boarding as a whole house.’