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It is a pleasure for us to introduce Mr Thompson, the brilliant new Director of Music at Ranby House. We are incredibly excited to have him join the Worksop College and Ranby House family.

Not only has he recently joined the school, but he has also just been nominated for Music Maker of the Year through Making Music, the umbrella body for choirs and orchestras across the UK. More excitingly still, he was then shortlisted to the final three!

The awards celebrate leisure-time music groups and their activity, and the often unrecognised talent that helps the sector to flourish across the UK.

Debbie Wiseman OBE, the President of Making Music, said:

“The latest Making Music Awards nominees have displayed, as usual and despite the challenging circumstances, an extremely high standard of music-making. The tenacity and enthusiasm of the individuals and groups who have come together to create such excellent work is an inspiration to us all here at Making Music, and we are proud to recognise and applaud the creativity and ingenuity of everybody who is moved to make music, through good times and bad."

We are very pleased to have such a talented musician to lead music at Ranby House - here's to a brilliant year of music at Ranby!