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Last week, Ranby House had a brilliantly creative week reflecting on Smriti Halls’ beautiful picture book Rain Before Rainbows.

This wonderful book follows the journey of a girl and her fox companion towards the hope of colour, light and life. This book has immense hope at the heart of its story, making it the perfect resource to kick off a year of creativity at Ranby House. All years were able to enjoy this book – from our eager Year 1s to our imaginative Year 6s.

Year 1 were incredibly busy painting mountain landscapes with a mix of different colours, using the illustrations in Rain before Rainbows as inspiration.

Over in the Year 2 classroom, students teamed together to write a very clever acrostic poem. They used the word ‘rainbow’ to produce the body of the poem, using the book to influence creativity. This was the brilliant final product:


Amazing arch

Imagine what is at the end

Nobody knows if there is any treasure

Beyond the coast, beyond the mountains

Oh, is it really sparkling?

We love dancing under you!

Year 3 chose to take inspiration from a section of the book where the characters journey through the woods. They took a different approach with their interpretation by physically embodying the woodland scene. Watch the video below and try to guess what each Year 3 is representing.

There was some very impressive writing during Year 5 lessons as they considered what they’d do in the shoes of the main character of the book. They considered what qualities they’d need if they were to embark on a journey, while also acknowledging the excellent qualities they already possess.

The work from our Year 6 students was nothing short of incredible as they crafted the eyes of mythical creatures. The pictures really do speak for themselves!

Rain Before Rainbows was a great focus book to start this academic year; there was a real buzz around Ranby House as the students shared their work with one another. To conclude the week, the children performed a whole school song composed by our Director of Music, which was aptly named Rain Before Rainbows - see the full song HERE. What a way to draw the week to a close!


Tagged  prep  pre-prep