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Worksop College and Ranby House are special institutions of learning, with great history and tradition, and a real sense of community.

The numerous positive comments that we have received in recent weeks have been uplifting and are testament to this. We have managed to survive difficult times before, particularly during the Great War, but we have gone on to educate thousands more Old Worksopians and Old Ranbians. 

We are clearly a resilient community and, when we return to normality, I am sure we will be an even stronger family that will go onto to produce the confident, adaptable and well-rounded young people that will be needed more than ever in the workplace of tomorrow. 

As we head towards the Summer Term, we are excited about how our staff and pupils will embrace the challenging but ultimate exciting world of remote learning. We have immense faith in you all. 

We've received numerous messages of support and thanks from our parents and students. Here's just a snapshot of the ones we've received. 

Thank you Dr Price, We are very impressed with you, the teaching staff, Houseparents etc the school as a whole. My child has nothing but praise for you all. Thank you for your strong, encouraging words.
Thank you for your email.  As a parent it’s always good to hear from yourself and Mr Thorpe and we have no doubt that everyone is doing all they can to support each other at both Ranby and Worksop.
My child is in the Reception class at Ranby and I have to say Mr Newton, Mrs Martland and Miss Oakley are and have been brilliant. They are so enthusiastic about teaching the children and supporting them when the time comes for them to remain at home, we will certainly be busy!! Let’s hope that everyone stays safe and well and the world returns to some normality soon
I just wanted to express my sincere gratitude to yourself and all the staff at school.  This is the most difficult and stressful time that most people have seen or will see in their lifetime.
My faith in the school has waived at times but it has been reassured during the last couple of weeks.  The courage and strength of everyone at the school surpasses expectations and I could not be more grateful, you have my full backing in all your future decisions for the school and all involved and I wish you all the very best during these difficult times and beyond.
Dr Price, thank you for this information and for kind and sensible words.
Great message John, It is a privilege to work with you. You have my full support.
Thank you for the update. I would like to express our most sincere gratitude for all that you and the Worksop family are doing for our children.
 We have every confidence that you are doing all that you can in their best interest.   If there is anything that we can do for you, or the school please let us know.
Beautiful words Dr Price!  Thank you for being our Headmaster.
 Fantastic Stuff Worksop & Ranby! You have defied the odds in such trying times and are all an absolute credit to your pupils and staff. We are very lucky to be part of this outstanding community.
Well done Worksop College & Ranby House the lesson have been great and helping keep some normality for the children in these challenging times. Keep the good work up it’s much appreciated, your staff are doing an amazing job.
Simply superb effort from all concerned including the children who seemed to have embraced their new ‘normal’. On line live music lesson to start any day, everything had been thought if! And it’s wonderful to hear then laughter during group lessons! Amazing job Worksop College.
Amazing job you’re all doing - massive thank you!
It’s the outstanding Ranby/Worksop staff and leadership who have helped turn this difficult time into an opportunity to bring us all closer together. Thank you.
Home schooling with support from the Ranby teachers is a joy. We could all get too used to this!
Top fella!! Difficult times everywhere but Worksop will come through stronger than before #upTheSop
First on-line live teaching session completed ...... great job Worksop College! Great to hear laughter from the kids during these strange times.
We’ve had a fantastic and a very successful remote learning day. All thanks to the fabulous staff at Ranby house. Thank you.
Thank you for taking good precautions yet maintaining schooling!
Please pass on our very sincere thanks to the driver who got my daughter to the airport today and made sure that she was OK, after a sudden flight cancellation and eleventh hour change of plan. Thank you for the ongoing precautions and updates also. Hopefully she'll be back to you before too long.
Thank you so much for the hard work by every one of staff at the school.

During this time of stress we all need to be mindful of our mental health and remember that if we are happy, others will be inspired. I will definitely be using this to help get through this madness that we are in at the moment!