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This weekend, over 50 Ranby House boarders enjoyed a magical evening at the Ranby Boarding Friday Night Special – Christingle and Christmas tree decorating.

The evening began in the Chapel with a beautiful candlelit Christingle service delivered by Father Matthew.

Afterwards, the children changed into their pyjamas and gathered, full of excitement around the glowing, warm fire. Then began the fun task of decorating the Christmas tree. With a variety of red and gold baubles, stars, icicles and bows to choose from, everyone found their special place on the tree.

Meanwhile, in the Old Library there was a distinctly noisier and more energetic activity going on in the form of Christmas karaoke!

Ranby Boarding Houseparent, Ms Varney said,

“I was delighted by the enthusiasm shown by our budding popstars, who sang, bounced, giggled and danced the night away along to both pop and traditional Christmas songs.”

There was also a ‘decorate your own decoration’ activity table where the pupils could get creative with pots of glitter, sparkles, bells and ribbon to make their very own special tree decoration to take home.

Also, not forgetting the Christmas photo booth’, armed with a variety of props and hats, everyone eagerly queued, ready to strike a festive pose with their friends!

Ms Varney continued,

“As the evening concluded, everyone gathered around the fire to enjoy tasty cookies and some delicious hot chocolate, before the traditional grand staircase photograph was taken.

The children were remarkably well behaved, and although the excitement meant bedtime was a little later than normal, they slept well and left in the morning full of happy festive memories shared with their friends.”


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