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Students and staff came together this week for the annual Harvest Festival Eucharist services.

Pupils across both schools collected food donations for two local charities - Bassetlaw Food Bank and the Cathedral Archer Project.

Bassetlaw Food Bank provides crisis support with food parcels for anyone suffering in poverty in Bassetlaw, and the Cathedral Archer Project is a homeless charity based in Sheffield.

Ranby House Captains of School, Herbie and Eliza proudly show their donations

Former College Teacher and Food Bank Volunteer, Liz Warner said,

“Donations like this make such a big difference. People don’t understand the range of people who use and need food banks to see them through a tough time.”

Donations were stacked down the aisle of the Chapel at Worksop College

Liz continued,

“Nobody knows what may affect them in their lives; therefore we really need places like this.”

Thank you everyone who kindly donated!

Tagged  pre-prep  prep  senior  sixth form