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Scientists and engineers have revolutionised our world. They’ve cured diseases, transformed communications and sent mankind to the depths of the oceans and into space. 

However, despite their vital importance, the UK has an annual shortfall of at least 20,000 engineering graduates.

At Worksop College our Science department run a variety of STEM activities to make science and maths lessons relevant, fun and interesting. STEM activities provide hands-on and minds-on experiences to creating critical thinkers, increasing science literacy and enabling the next generation to develop a passion for these subject areas and hopefully pursue a career in a STEM field.

At the end of the Spring term, Year 9 students took part in the ‘Shell Bright Ideas Challenge 2019’. The pupils had to come up with an idea that would create cleaner, more affordable energy and make future cities more energy efficient.

There were 15 teams and each team presented their ‘Bright Idea’ to all Year 9 students and a panel of staff judges. The judges were looking at creative solutions and evidence of teamwork, as well as the quality of research and presentation.

Ms Varney, who organised the event and was one of the judges said,

“We were very impressed with some of the creative and unique ideas that the students came up with to solve this challenge. I was particularly pleased to see so many students with a genuine interest in their project. They had clearly spent a good deal of their own time researching the information and creating their presentations.”

The runners up, in fourth place with a score of 19 points out of a possible 24, were Jake Kirby, Oliver Mason, Zain Davenport, Josh Sanderson and Leo Rogers with their Greenhouse Roof Garden idea.

In third place, with a score of 20 points, were Olly Wild, Matthew Varney and Seth Tamlyn with their bright idea of a Portable Electricity Source.

In joint first place with scores of 22, were Chloe Simpson and Amelia Chrispin with their Air Pollution Cleaning Drone, and Paige Hawkins and Emma Wright with their Electricity Generating Bicycle. Both teams were presented with a winner’s certificate and a £25 Amazon voucher.

Ideas from all 15 teams will now be entered into the national competition, the winner of which will be awarded £5000 for their school as well as individual prizes and a trip to London - so we’re keeping our fingers crossed!

Tagged  senior