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It was another successful Exeat weekend, with 28 students remaining at the College.

On Friday, after an evening meal, students settled in to Portland House – playing a variety of games, including pool and table football.

After a leisurely morning, followed by breakfast, students embarked on a trip to Meadowhall in Sheffield for shopping, cinema and an evening meal - with our students spoilt for choice.

Sunday was another relaxing day, with a lazy breakfast. Students got the opportunity to look round the Worksop College Christmas Market, before heading for a roast dinner at a local restaurant.

Students headed back to the College to tidy up before going back to their own Houses.

Aidan Futter said:

“Thanks to all who help and support this weekend, not least Mrs Halsall, for her supervision and support on the Saturday trip- also to Portland House and Adele and to all the teaching and support staff.”

He continued:

“We look forward to the next exeat in January 2019. Come and join us for any exeat here at Worksop College; it's fun, it’s social and ultimately a very relaxing weekend.”