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This morning during assembly, class 6B presented their class assembly to parents and pupils.

Their PSHE topic has been about their responsibilities and the impact of their actions to others and the environment.

With this in mind, they have studied the impact of plastic pollution on the world and marine life.

Year 6 Class Teacher, Elena Bezoari said:

“Students have been passionate about their research and wanted to present this as an assembly to make others more aware. The assembly was wholly theirs.”

They researched, found videos, put together a presentation of images, anthropomorphic writing and various facts.

Accompanying the presentation, they composed their own music which they performed. It had a powerful message about how they can help to become more eco-friendly at home and what we can change at Ranby.

In their words, 'With only a few small changes, we can make a huge difference and help do our part in society. Save the world, not time.'