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Contrary to most schools, Ranby House go beyond World Book Day and immerse our pupils in the world of literature for an entire WEEK!

This year’s theme, chosen by Mrs Exley, Head of English, has been animals, which has led to numerous animal-linked ‘Book Week’ activities.

English lessons all week have been focused on texts of interest and books of choice such as ‘AniMalcom’ by David Baddiel.

Book week was launched by Headmaster, Christian Pritchard, in Monday’s whole school assembly, where his all-time top 5 favourite animal poems were shared.

From this point on, Ranby House has been buzzing with books! Every break time and lunchtime teachers held audiences captive with their favourite animal tales and riddles, and pupils are carrying their current reading book everywhere in case the bells sound during a lesson, as this signals ‘Stop, Drop and Read’ an opportunity to head off to the fictional world of your choice. 

A key highlight that staff and children have particularly loved has been ‘Buddy-books’. Children from different year groups across the school met to share their favourite stories and poems with their ‘Buddy’ class. Harry, in Year Five, who knew his class was paired with Reception, took the time to find his own favourite books from when he was younger and brought them in to share.

All of this and more has taken place throughout the week, and today, as a celebration, staff and children dressed as an animal character from their favourite book.

Deputy Head of Academic, Mr Harper said:

“We have seen every character from Jeremy Fisher to The Cat in the Hat; The Hungry Caterpillar to the 3 Little Pigs and Tiggers of all sizes!”

He continued:

“The pupils (and staff) at Ranby House love books and love reading… when there are so many activities linked to literature that you could fill a day five times over, Ranby House’s Book Week is an annual success!”