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During the last three days of the Easter holidays, our Silver and Gold DofE candidates embarked upon their practice expedition to the Dark Peak in Derbyshire. DofE Manager, Maj Simon Payne talks us through the trip.

“The planning had all been completed, bags were packed and it was only the weather that was trying to break us all. The wind, rain and fog really challenged all groups, it made camping difficult at both sites - Crowden and Hay Ridge were very muddy underfoot.

Students showed great resilience, especially the gold group who were tucking into a main course of steak, mash potato and peas topped off with a peppercorn sauce on the last night.

Our gold DofE candidates
Our silver DofE candidates

I would like to thank the staff for giving up their time to support the expedition and especially Mr Smith for working so hard with all the equipment. 

I'm looking forward to their qualifying expeditions where I'm sure the weather will be kind to us all.”