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On Friday evening, our Ranby House boarders were joined by Retford Fire Station, who gave our students an insight into their role as firemen, as well as a safety talk.

Head of Boarding, Mark Pymm gives us an insight into the evening’s events.

“Here at Ranby we do not do things by halves. When we have a fire drill - we have a proper fire drill. The fire alarm goes off, we assemble and are counted in. But wait, a fire engine with sirens and blue lights appears, firemen spring into action, ladders are scaled and the dummy (pretend casualty) in the games room is rescued -Hurrah!

This was a very special fire drill, with a visit and safety talk from Retford Fire Station - we even had synthetic smoke. I was in the room and filmed the fireman as they entered the smoke-filled boarding accommodation. After the rescue, the pupils looked around the fire engine, used the thermal camera and even got to use the hose.

We then moved into the old library and had cookies and hot chocolate. A safety talk followed about what to do in the event of a fire. The students learnt to stop, drop and roll, crawl in a smoke-filled room and how quickly fire can spread. 

Many thanks to Russell, Lee and the fantastic Retford Fire Station team, for coming to Ranby House and making it a fabulous boarding night.”