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We are pleased to announce that the winner of this year’s Christmas card competition is Year 3 pupil, Phoebe Dutton.

Eight-year-old Phoebe’s winning design was described by Worksop College’s Head of Art, Mrs. Helen Platt-Hawkins as showing ‘maturity well beyond her years.’

Year 3 pupil, Phoebe Dutton's winning Christmas card design

“We received some really stunning pieces”, she continued, “from photography to collage, painting to graphic design, our pupils really took up the challenge.”

As well as the winner, honourable mentions go to Year 8 students, Angel May Blockley and Charlotte Booth.

Year 8 pupil, Charlotte Booth's Christmas card entry
Angel May Blockley's Christmas Card creation

Phoebe’s design will be turned into the school’s official Christmas card for 2017.

Well done Phoebe! Thank you to all students who took part.