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Last Friday saw the ‘Digital Sisters’ visit Worksop College & Ranby House to host a number of workshops that gave our students a further insight into staying safe online, tech control and digital well-being.

The sisters, Emma and Charlotte Robinson co-founded Digital Awareness UK.

One is a YouTuber, who's digital following led her to deliver TV documentaries and work with online influencers such as Zoella, the other has managed brands such as Barclays, Dove and Coca-Cola on social media.

Their love for technology coupled with their passion for combatting issues such as cyberbullying, sexting and addiction led them to create Digital Awareness UK.

The day started with Charlotte running a workshop for our Years 5 and 6. Topics covered included: cyber-bullying, stranger danger, oversharing and screen-time.

There was also a competition on which team could pull their best emoji faces!

Year 5 & 6's pulling their best 'shocked emoji' face

After the morning workshop, Charlotte ran workshops at Worksop College for Years 7-13. Students discussed: sexting, grooming, digital foot-print, relationships and screen-time.

They have a team of tech-savvy bloggers, hackers, YouTubers and developers who are on the ground in schools every day inspiring young people to be safe and responsible online.

The visit tied in with the Risk Week and Digital Detox Day the school had at the beginning of October.